问: 美国奖学金种类有哪些?

发布于 2020-02-11
网友回答 共 1

financial aid

money provided to the student and the family to help them pay for the student’s cation major forms of financial aid include gift aid (grants and scholarships) and self-help aid (loans and work)


a form of aid given to graduate students to help support their cation some fellowships include a tuition waiver or a payment to the university in lieu of tuition most fellowships include a stipend to cover reasonable living expenses (eg, just above the poverty line) fellowships are a form of gift aid and do not have to be repaid


a form of financial aid given to undergraduate students to help pay for their cation most scholarships are restricted to paying all or part of tuition expenses, though some scholarships also cover room and board scholarships are a form of gift aid and do not have to be repaid many scholarships are restricted to students in specific courses of study or with academic, athletic or artistic talent


a type of financial aid based on financial need that the student does not have to repay

graduate assistantship

there are two types of graduate assistantships: teaching assistantships (ta) and research assistantships (ra) tas and ras receive a full or partial tuition waiver and a small living stipend tas are required to perform teaching duties ras are required to perform research duties, not necessarily related to the student’s thesis research

renewable scholarships

a scholarship that is awarded for more than one year usually the student must maintain certain academic standards to be eligible for subsequent years of the award some renewable scholarships will require the student to reapply for the scholarship each year; others will just require a report on the student’s progress to a degree
